If you're falling off a cliff....? - electric blunt roller
If you fall from a cliff Would you rather close to record high-voltage wire or blunt you learn?
If you're falling off a cliff....? - electric blunt roller
If you fall from a cliff Would you rather close to record high-voltage wire or blunt you learn?
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Barbed wire. The high voltage or kill you or make you go and leave anyway.
Blunt barbed wire, because even though it hurts like crazy if I wanted that !!!??? There is always an electric fence to survive and if they are not a horrible life-threatening infection of the barbed wire.
Barbed Blunt. That would only hurt my hands. The power would affect the entire body.
Barbed wire, to ensure
Barb Wire
boty wire me a lot of pain have been attacked, but it seems a bad idea
Blunt Wire
I would not like in the first place.
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