Why are my fish only swimming at the top of my tank? - fish swimming around the pump
I have just a 1 liter tank, and three small guppies. When I set up the tank yesterday, everything was great, three guppies swim freely. Today, they are hidden near the water surface only, and I wonder why?
Is it because my pump is not working properly? Or is it because my water is bad?
1 gallons is not big enough for 3 guppies, they would be better in a tank of 10 liters.
Made since the establishment of the aquarium and place it directly in the deposit was, albeit very small start, going through the nitrogen cycle. Hanging on the top is a sign of ammonia or other problems of water quality in general.
Most likely, ammonia poisoning. One container is 1 gallons would not be large enough to accommodate up to 3 guppies (I do not fish in a tank of 1 liter). In principle,) it in their own waste (urine and swimming is not only the tank is not large enough to dilute it a little, but not just a new tank does not have a biological filter to remove any ammonia.
Another possibility, with 3 fish in a tank that small is the lack of oxygen. If you can be done with the care of these fish in this small of a tank, you must ensure that air continuously running pump, or the fish of oxygen.
Have dechlorinated in water? You can also suffer from poisoning by chlorine.
I suggest you read a book or online via the creation of a new aquarium. You need to learn about the water, the level of the population and the nitrogen cycle.
its good that we are not the tank cycle, hungry, Arent is enough oxygen in the water tank is too small, or swim the fact that guppies are prone to upper reservoir of the party, of course, because different kinds of fish swim in the each section of the tax, such as Wels tetras swimming in the bottom center, so research before a tank is crucial.
The fish often swim at the top of the tank, where oxygen is not sufficient in water. If the gills are pink, so it is a sign that not enough oxygen. They are probably a new air pump.
Hope this helps = D
You do not have to cycle the tank and now they are burned by their own waste.
When we the last to be paid 1 weeks before adding fish cycle
Probably they are hungry. Or your strokes is $ bubbles from the pump from the $.
that perhaps not enough oxygen ...
Check the pump and water temperature. Hot water is always on top
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